RA Summer Camp in Beijing
Opening Ceremony on July 14, 2019

Closing Ceremony

Student Works Display

RA Summer Camp in Zhangjiakou

Classroom Reality

Student Works Display

2019 Rotman Winter Camp

Pink Out
The Jenison young Women’s Basketball team holds an annual game to benefit the American Cancer Society. This special charity event supports breast cancer awareness, and those currently fighting breast cancer, as well as paying tribute to those who lost their fight. All the proceeds from this event are donated to the American Cancer Society.

As the name implies, everyone wears pink to honor and support the women who have fought, or are fighting, breast cancer. The ladies look great in their special pink uniforms while playing basketball!
It can be difficult to understand how a woman feels while she is fighting breast cancer and to find the best way to comfort and support her. On site, during this special event, it becomes clear that love is the answer. Love never stops and can conquer anything!
Snowcoming Dance
Our 2019 Winter Camp students were very lucky to be able to witness the Pink Out event at Jenison Public Schools, and they also got to participate in the annual Snowcoming Dance!
Every winter, Jenison Public Schools hosts a formal and refreshing dance, which they call Snowcoming. This dance is much like the traditional Homecoming or Prom dances which are more well known. Students get excited to dress up and to let loose and dance with their friends during a very cold and snowy winter!

The day has finally arrived! When in Rome, we dance as the Romans do and enjoy the beauty of winter in Michigan!
Visiting Chicago
In cold and windy Chicago, we began a journey of exploration! In this strange city in a foreign country, we enjoyed walking the city, maybe dancing some, chatting, and watching, and had lots of laughs and made a ton of memories which will never be forgotten.
While in Chicago, we visited Northwestern University, which has quaint buildings on its campus and a unique university exhibition hall. Here we broadened our horizons and appreciated the charm of this world-famous institute of higher learning. When there are dreams, everyone can excel, and where there is courage, miracles can happen! We hope to return again in a few years!

Looking forward to the (hopefully) soon returning spring! Let’s forget about winter and meet at the warm and sometimes tropical Shedd’s Aquarium!
Shedd’s Aquarium opened in 1930 and was for some time the largest indoor aquarium in the world with 5,000,000 US gallons of water. The aquarium holds over 7,500 fish and aquatic animals in 210 exhibition tanks. Within the aquarium you can find tropical, temperate, and frigid saltwater and fresh water aquatic animals.
Today, we had close contact with many amazing aquatic species and learned about their habitats and expanded our English vocabulary!

Adler Planetarium in Chicago is one of the oldest planetariums in the United States. Its spherical shape gives it an astronomical feel at first glance along the coast of Lake Michigan. It is home to a globe shaped theater which uses state of the art 3D technology to project the entire galaxy at its apex. The planetary theater also adds a wonderful feeling of suspension in outer space to this galactic experience. Adler Planetarium is home to the Starwalker Theatre and the Atmosphere Mobile Interactive Experience Project, the Planet Explorer Gallery, the Moon Photography Gallery, the Star Trek Exhibition Hall, and the Telescope Exhibition Hall.
Today, I began to look up at the stars and found,
Star is not far away, dream is not far,
As long as you tiptoe.
This is worthy of our experiences at the planetarium!
Hot Pot Dinner Party

Perfect Ending to Winter Camp
You may think 14 days is not very long, but the 14 days from February 7th to February 20th, 2019 will last a lifetime within the hearts and memories for the students who were lucky enough to attend. This was an experience worth cherishing as a beautiful memory!

The best moments in life are always fleeting. In 2019, the U.S. Winter Camp ended perfectly with a warm and inviting evening shared around a Chinese hot pot!
We hope the upcoming winter and summer camps in the United States hosted by RETG will bring many more surprises, memories, and laughter for all involved. We will grow and learn together!